Friday, April 25, 2014

vMotion network design considerations - Multi-NIC vMotion and Link Aggregation in vSphere 5.5 - Part2

In my previous Post, I tried to find out how support for LACP in vSphere 5.5 has changed the design consideration for vMotion Network.  One has to decide between Multi-NIC vMotion and Link Aggregation.

After some search on Internet and talking to my friends in virtualization domain, I was referred to this excellent post from Chris Wahl (VCDX -104) on his blog
Not only does this post talk about this in depth but also the comments posted helped me understand the concept and its pros and cons even better.

Multi-NIC vMotion when used with LBT or Load Based Teaming is still a clear winner when compared to Link Aggregation for vMotion networks.

Few reasons for this are summarized here:

  • A LAG can only perform traffic distribution. Even if NIC is saturated.
  • LBT, on the other hand, actively examines traffic on a vSwitch. It is aware of the load on NIC which helps it avoid sending traffic on saturated NIC. 

Thoughts ?

So LBT is much better to load balance traffic in this case. 

That doesn't mean that LACP is bad and should not be used in vSphere designs. It perhaps has a different use case to suit its functionality. For eg: NFS based Storage.
I will post the pros and cons and use cases for when to use link aggregations in a different post.

Till then keep networking. Cheers !

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